Monday, February 28, 2005

A Voice Of Reason In Canada, Tony Martin Speaks Out On Same-Sex Marriage

Sault Ste. Marie MP Tony Martin has said he will vote in favour of same-sex marriage legislation, regardless of his own personal Roman Catholic convictions, stating that gay marriage is a justice issue.”

I believe same-sex marriage for civil society is a justice issue but I wanted it clarified that I believe this because of my own personal Roman Catholic convictions, not in spite of them.

As a lifelong, church-going Catholic, I try very hard to make sure that nothing trumps my personal, religious beliefs. Indeed, the recognition of minority rights is part of those religious beliefs, including for example funding for Catholic education which rests upon the claim that Catholic minority rights must be protected even when such rights are not granted to other religious organizations.

In our broader society, while practicing and teaching our own beliefs in our Church, it is incumbent for us to protect the rights of all minorities.

My personal religious beliefs dictated that I inform my conscience, give proper weight to my Church’s teaching and work to safeguard the principle of religious freedom to protect religious officials from being compelled by the state to perform same-sex marriage. I have done all that.

Like all MPs, I am receiving a huge amount of mail on this issue. While a good number of those who write disagree with my position, I am also hearing from a significant number of Catholics who support my stand.

I welcome the Catholic bishops’ legitimate place in this debate. I am celebrating the 22nd anniversary of my marriage this year. As a married Catholic, I have to say that gay and lesbian couples I have known have never once threatened my marriage.

I believe that access to civil marriage for gay and lesbian couples will add to the stability of Canadian families and Canadian society.

This is a world that needs more people who are willing to make loving, lifelong commitments to each other and who are willing to take full responsibility for their relationships.

As my statement on my web site indicates, I have also asked my leader, Jack Layton, to make this a free vote for the caucus.

Tony Martin
MP, Sault Ste. Marie

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